
施設概要 Facility Information

一般社団法人シーボニアヨットクラブのあるシーボニアマリーナには、小型ヨットから50ft台クルーザー・モーターボートが艇置可能で、フレンドリーなシーボニアマリーナスタッフが会員のさまざまなマリンレジャーのサポートをしてくれます。 また、エリア内には、マリンショップ、整備工場が完備されており、愛艇のメンテナンスも万全に行えます。 小網代湾の湾口に面したエリアにはモダンなクラブハウスがあり、2階には小網代湾、相模湾をはじめ、天気のいい日には富士山も眺望できるクラブレストラン、1階には会員専用のシャワールームなどの設備が整っています。

At Seabonia Marina, where the Seabonia Yacht Club General Incorporated Association is located, boats from small yachts to 50ft cruisers and motorboats can be parked, and the friendly Seabonia Marina staff will support members in their various marine leisure activities.

The area is also fully equipped with the marine shop and the maintenance workshop, so you can thoroughly maintain your boat.

The modern clubhouse is located in the area facing the mouth of Koajiro Bay.
On the second floor, there is the club restaurant where you can see Koajiro Bay, Sagami Bay, and also Mt. Fuji on a clear day,
On the first floor, there is tha members-only shower rooms.

クレーン&ウィンチ Cranes & Winch


Three cranes, of 5t, 12t and 24t, and a 30t winch are installed for lifting and lowering boats.

整備工場 Maintenance Shop


We have the repair shop where experienced staff can maintain and paint everything from elegant wooden boats to the latest high-tech boats, and it is also used by boats from nearby marinas.

マリンショップ Marine Shop


In addition to various types of seats, blocks, and other equipment, we also stock marine wear and fishing supplies.

We also provide yacht tuning services.

施設案内図 Facility Guide Map


事務局・メンバーズルーム Secretariat・Members room


The club office is located within the clubhouse, where dedicated staff are on hand to assist members with their club life.

There is also a members’ room, which serves as a place for members to socialize.